"Never Again" begins with you..
If Esther did not do what she needed to do for her people in the land they were dwelling then during the time of possible annihilation; her people and family would have perished.. We make a difference where we are placed and our choice matters..
Esther 4:14
Impact Care Malaysia (ICEJ) remembers the Holocaust Remembrance Day to commemorate the day the largest concentration and extermination camp in Auschwitz-Birkenau was liberated from Nazi Germany. These camps represent the horrors inflicted by the Nazi regime and its systematic efforts to annihilate the European Jewish population. Today we see a similar pattern of systematic terror and relentless effort by Hamas to destroy the Jewish population in Israel. Pro-terrorist groups, pro- Hamas activist from all levels of society are helping this propaganda spread beyond the borders of Israel into the world. Many Jews and her supporters are feeling threatened and unsafe in their work places, towns, communities, places of worship and businesses. Many that lived through the Holocaust say they feeling today is reminiscent of that time. The same spirit that denies the Holocaust ever happened with extermination of Jews in camps and the gas chambers and the actual number of Jews murdered were significantly lower than 6 million and historical evidences were ignored and not taken seriously as a crime has reared its head once again against the October 7 massacre. However, humanity has learned a little from experience with many organisations, groups and individuals have spoken up and defended the truth of the matter of what happened on Oct 7, 2023.
Holocaust survivor and survivor of the October 7 massacre at Kibbutz Be'eri Ruth Haran is leading the campaign and speaking out about the horrifying similarity between the atrocities perpetrated by the Nazis throughout Europe and the disaster that befell the State of Israel.
Ruth Haran:
"When babies are murdered in their cots, when women are raped, thrown to the ground and murdered, viciously, satanically, innocents – that's a Holocaust!"
Every year, we join millions around the world on Holocaust Remembrance Day to say “Never Again.” Perhaps naively, we hope and wish that history would not repeat itself. Yet as we witness the surge of attacks and open hatred toward our Jewish brethren, we as Christians have a choice to make. Saying “Never Again” is not enough. We need to put action to our words and stand with the Jewish people wherever we are and wherever they are: in our communities and in our nations. The time has come for this generation’s Righteous Among the Gentiles to rise up and stand with and for the Jewish people. It may seem to be a difficult thing to do but it is not. We can share the truth and “Never Again” begins with you! Choosing to love and not hate and to teach your next generation so that they know the truth and choose the truth!
Contribute to the Crisis War Fund
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Small or large, your contribution is a blessing to others..
Fund for Bomb Shelters/ Haifa Home/ Youth/ Children
Residents of Kfar Aza Kibbutz have between 0 to 10 seconds to run into a bomb shelter each time a siren come off. Partner with us amd make a practical, tangible investment, in helping protect and save lives of Israelis. A bomb shelter costs roughly about 26,000 USD including installation and production-so any amount donated contributes! You can give through our link. Blessings from Israel!
This year has been a tremendous year here in Israel and over the years since 1980 have been filled with great significance and celebration as we reflect on God’s faithfulness to use the ICEJ to comfort the people of Israel for the past 43 years. You have been a part of this miraculous journey!
It is our privilege to be your Embassy in Jerusalem and we invite you to continue with us in prayer and support as we enter the new season of purpose that God has for the ICEJ in the years to come.
To be a part of what the Lord is doing in Israel, you can be a blessing and give through our link.
Israeli society thrives on its communities and that's one of the reasons the ICEJ is honored to partner with projects that bring communities and people groups together.
After some 2700 years of dreaming about returning to their homeland, an ancient tribe of Israel finally comes home! But after arriving in Israel, there are many challenges awaiting Ethiopian Jews. Hear the remarkable stories of Takele, Sigal and Misganaw, Ethiopian Jews who made Aliyah and are now working fervently to help their people integrate into Israeli society. ICEJ has the privilege of assisting Ethiopian Jews with their absorption process. To be a part of this life-changing work.
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“I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you;
And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” Genesis 12 : 3
Our hope is Christians will love, bless & comfort Israel as it is biblical and very much on the heart of God. You can be part of this work and ministry by joining our prayer sessions, learning about the Holy Land from the Bible, visit the Holy Land with our Bible Impact Tour and being involved in charitable deeds like Aliyah and ICEJ Aid through your giving. For further information, check out the rest of the information in the pages.
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